Ayurvedic cancer treatments are becoming popular around the world. After heart ailments, cancer is a major threat to life. This happens all over the world. And, the usual treatment is chemotherapy. Also usual is patients developing drug resistance. Restrictions imposed on chemotherapy dose for fear of poisonous effects or toxic effects. So, this effectively gets in the way of chemotherapeutic treatment of cancer patients. On the other hand, patients severely suffer from side effects.
Ayurvedic cancer treatments are easy
People are concerned about these things. Therefore, they have started looking for natural remedies, including Ayurvedic Cancer Treatments. Natural Ayurvedic remedies prevent patients from suffering from the toxic effects of Western medications. On the other hand, Ayurvedic Cancer Treatments are based on ancient method of extracting drugs from herbs. It has been a proven cure of cancer without risky side effects since the 7th century BC. Indian curators of that time used Ayurvedic Cancer Treatments for patients showing signs of the disease at early stages.
Medical terms of Ayurvedic cancer treatments
The medical terms of Ayurvedic Treatments for Cancer are different from Western usage. Ayurveda uses ancient vedic terms. Interestingly, they diagnose cancer in two forms, mild or critical. The mild form is called Granthi, it is minor neoplasm in Western method and critical form is Arbuda, major neoplasm. Also, the mild form is swelling without inflammation and critical form is swelling with inflammation. So, physicians use carefully selected plants with anticancer properties for extraction of medications in Ayurvedic Cancer Treatments. Therefore, the quality of most of these is proven in the laboratory experiments.
Many scientists have successfully tested the properties in various Ayurvedic plants. Therefore, their ability to destroy cancer cells have been undergone trials successfully in test tubes as well as using living animals. Curcuma longa, Withaniasomnifera, Achyranthesaspera, Allium sativum, Annona muricata, Bolbostemmapaniculatum, Cannabis sativa, Centaureaainetensis, Camellia sinensis, Daphne mezereum, Gossypiumhirsutum, Hydrocotyleasiatica, Hypericumperforatum, Nerviliafordii, Oroxylumindicum, Picrorrhizakurroa, Rubiacordifolia, Salvia miltiorrhiza, various Scutellaria species, Silybummarianum, Smilax china, Strychnosnuxvomica, Taraxacumofficinale, Zingiberofficinale are the Botanical names of some of those plants.
Potential destroy cancer cells
In addition, Tinosporiacordifolia, Apismellifera, Bidenspilosa, Andrographispaniculata, and Mangiferaindica have potentials to destroy cancer cells with suppressing immune system or immonomodulation. There instances some Ayurvedic plants possessing medicinal properties of chemotherapy as well as radiotherapy.
For example, Tetrandine from Stepheniatetrandra roots, withaferin-A from Withaniasomnifera, echitamine chloride from stem bark of Astoniascholaris, rohitukine from Amoorarohituka), curcumin from Curcuma longa and perillyl alcohol and berberine from Tinosporacordifolia are found.
Ayurvedic medicine includes some drugs in Mayonnaise form and called ‘Rasa’ or ‘Rasayana’. When these ‘Rasa’ or ‘Rasayana’ are used together with Western medications, as adjuvant, harmful side effects like chemotherapy or radiotherapy can be prevented. Some of them are Amritaprasham, AshwagandhaRasayana, Brahma Rasayana, Chyavanprasha, NarasimhaRasayana, and TriphalaChurna.
Terrible reputation of Western medicine
Western medicines have a terrible reputation. Mostly because of the terrible side effects. Therefore, most patients turn to Ayurvedic Cancer Treatments. Ayurveda is a part of Oriental Classical Civilisation of ancient era. It is one of the Chathurveda or four forms of Vedic Teachings.
On the other hand, Ayurvedic Cancer Treatments are not that expensive as Western Medication and affordable for even poorer sections of the society. Another important point is the driving ideology of Ayurvedic Treatment. It doesn’t react to symptoms or a particular disease only but considers the root cause and the human body as a whole and then prescribes medication.
More or less orthodox
Western Medicine conducts experiments continuously to improve and invent new treatment methods. However, Ayurvedic Treatments are more or less orthodox. In the early days, people who lived in places such as the Himalayas spent an ascetic life. They discovered Vedic principals including Ayurvedic Treatments. And, if those medications can go through tests of modern laboratories that Western medicine producers possess, it will be a huge boost to patients.
This is especially important when it comes to Ayurvedic Cancer Treatments. Necessary laboratory observations and experimentations can find Ayurvedic medications that are less expensive. And most importantly, they can discover medicines with less harmful side effects.